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Room Reservations

For Study

Study Rooms 

Reserve for a maximum of 3 hours per 24-hour period. Before making your reservation, read the complete study room policies 和 study space noise guidelines.   

Reserve a Study Room

Study Carrels

A limited number of carrels are available to faculty 和 graduate students. 电子邮件 library.borrowing@俄亥俄州.edu for availability.

For Class, Meetings, & Events

Active 学习ing Classroom 251 和 rooms 318 和 323

Priority use of these spaces is for library instruction. Librarians 和 archivists may directly schedule 251, 318, 319, 323, 和 the Voinovich Seminar Room for library 和 archives instruction. To request library or archives instruction, contact your subject librarian or archivist. During non-peak times, 251, 318, or 323 may be available for reservation by others. Read the policies for our rooms before requesting 251, 318, or 323.

Friends of the Libraries Room 319

This room is used primarily for educational 和 cultural activities for up to 80 people 和 is available for open study when not reserved. This space may be scheduled for repeat meetings/events no more than once per month 和 may be scheduled up to one semester in advance. After reviewing policy information, complete the reservation form to request use of this space.

Class of 1951 Lounge on Floor 4 

See the policies page for more information about this space.